Legal and commercial framework conditions are always changing. Our clients require practical solutions so as to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the risks that such change brings. To this end, clients are increasingly seeking support beyond what the traditional relationship with their bank can offer. Our emphasis lies on professional expertise and on sustainable concepts that can be implemented quickly.

The establishment of Financial Engineers LLP was the result of a long-standing conviction that it is only possible to take effective action in a highly specialised unit, beyond the limitations of professional law and free of the conflicts and decision processes characteristic of a bank. Not least for this reason, we have consciously pursued the path of a boutique with an emphasis on transactions.

We seek to be agents of ideas and know that our institutional clients can only be convinced by performance. The demand is for solutions and alternatives, not standard advisory services.

We do not focus on large-scale business. Instead, we offer our professional expertise and experience to selected clients in special situations. In this way, we specialise in the execution of large and complex transactions. We only provide our services in cases where we can contribute lasting value.